Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Symeon shreds and Babes well does Babes stuff

Symeon is one of those kids who does not really play with toys.  He would much rather use the shredder.  Shawn and I were doing some cleaning and reorganizing so Symeon decided to shred.  Once I checked his fingers would not fit in and neither would Babes we set him loose with a large box of shredding we had and for several hours he shredded and emptied into the recycling.  At one point he said I need to take a break and child labor laws crossed my mind, just kidding.  He stopped for a break and then went right back to work.  Babes asked him to play and he told her he couldn't because he had work to do.  He shredded the entire box over two days and saved me a ton of work.  I told him what a big help he was to us and he was beaming. 

So what was Babes doing while her brother shredded...

 Yup she got her head stuck in the box of papers to be shredded.  Symeon tried to get her out and after I took my picture I actually had to help. 

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