Wednesday, July 11, 2012

All this said in one day

The other day Symeon said so many things that had me on the floor laughing I just had to write them down. 

#1 - context Marin was bothering him  and he turned to her and said, "Babes get off my nerves really get off my nerves you are bothering me."  She just looked at him not really sure what he was trying to tell her but I was cracking up in the kitchen because I am pretty sure he wanted to say she was getting on his nerves but I think his makes more sense when you think about it.  She never did get off his nerves on that particular day.

#2 - Me:  Symeon please get off my computer
Symeon:  Mom in a second I am checking something here
Me: What?
Symeon:  Mom I am checking something here
I stepped away laughed and enforced the getting off.  I checked to see what he was checking and he had navigated to a Leap Frog sight where he was looking at video games.  I am still not sure how he got there but his computer skills never cease to amaze me.

#3 - Symeon loves to think come up with rhyming words so the other day we were doing our normal thing.  I said bug and rug, tug and lug, and he said cup and f#!*,  I stopped in my tracks and I said what words did you say rhyme and he said cup and f#!* again.  At this point I am like what do I do he has no idea that is a bad word.  So I said did  you say cup and f#!* and he said yes.  So I said you mean like f-u-p?  Yes Mom F#!* fup.  Okay I see fup sounds like f#!* and he was saying fup okay well we can skip my lecture and forget all about cup and f#!* and/or fup.  

#4 - context- the day before this day Marin stayed up longer than Symeon because she had taken a nap and he had not so when he had to go to bed and she did not he proceeded to head to bed crying that his life was so unfair.  So the next day this is the conversation I had with him

Me:  10 more minutes then bed
Symeon:  Mom I can stay up late tonight I took a nap today
Me:  Really?  When did you take a nap?  (the kids had a babysitter and Shawn was with the rest of the day so I thought maybe although the last time he napped in his room he was 2 years old so I found it a bit hard to believe.)
Symeon:  Today.  Then looks at Shawn and says "Dad what time did I take me nap today?"
Shawn:  You didn't take a nap today Symeon
Symeon:  Yes I did
Me:  When?
Symeon:  I took a nap about 45 minutes before I woke up this morning.
Me: (laughing) That is not a nap that is sleeping at night
Symeon:  Nope Mom that's a nap
Shawn:  No Symeon naps are in the afternoon usually after you eat lunch.  Waking up and then falling back to sleep in the middle of the night is not a nap.
Symeon:  Nope Dad I had a nap for 45 minutes this morning before I woke up
Me:  Okay it is still time for bed lets go

I did love the logic of this last conversation and when I reflected on the day I smiled to think about the mind he is developing, how he is experimenting with new words, ideas, and concepts.  I love talking to him and hearing who he is becoming.  Negotiators of the world look out he is fine tuning his skills.  I love you Symeon!

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