Monday, January 23, 2012

Tea Parties, Tea Parties, Tea Parties

Babes received a tea set for Christmas from my Aunt and cousin and she has enjoyed it to say the least.  When she wakes up sometime like at 5 am she is asking for a tea party and I have to remind her that rule is no tea parties in the dark but when the sun comes up we can have a tea party.  The other morning I slept in a bit since I had been awake for so many nights in a row with Symeon being sick and when I came up the stairs I saw Shawn and her having a tea party in the living room while they watched soccer.  It was such a sweet and tender moment between her and her Daddy.  Here is one of the tea parties that Symeon and Babes had the other day along with a few other honored guests. 

 Two guests are a naked baby and a Cinderella with two missing arms

 Some other guests include frosty the snowman and snow white

And of course what would a tea party be without a mini Cinderella and the one who helped Rella which is the Fairy God Mother.  

The whole tea party was so cute and it lasted most of the  morning.  At this particular tea party the guests were dining on cheddar cheese rice cakes one of Babes favorites and goldfish. Thank you Auntie Judy, Steve, and Jesse this was a hit. 

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