Monday, January 16, 2012

Christmas part III - Our house

We decided to celebrate Christmas morning at our house the weekend before we left for the East coast.  Shawn ended up having to go to New Orleans for the a quick weekend for work so when he returned on Sunday we went stopped by our house I put out presents and then we headed to breakfast.  During the meal we prepped the kids saying that sometime Santa comes early to people's houses who are going to be traveling over Christmas.  Symeon challenged us a bit on that concept but in the end he accepted that might be the case.  When we returned home and all the presents were under the tree he yelled to Marin from inside the door, "Hurry Marin there are lots of presents it is magic how they all got here."  Marin ran to find out and they were both so cute to see the tree.  We had a great day opening presents and spending time together playing with the toys.  The big hit was an Angry Bird game for Symeon and a tutu for Marin.  They also both loved their Christmas tree ornament I buy them every year that highlights something significant about where they are in life.  This year Symeon received a little boy who was going to school with his  name, his school name, and the year.  Marin was given a Cinderellas ornament since she loves it right now.  Here are a few pictures of our fun together as a family.

 The kids picked out a gift for Shawn which had an angry bird theme since they play an angry bird game together that they made up based on the computer game but that involves a lot more running, jumping, and activity.  They all made it up and it is a favorite so the gift was fitting along with an angry bird tee shirt that matched Symeon's.  Shawn wore it out the other day and although I laughed it was so sweet since they both had on their shirts and Symeon was so excited they both matched.  Shawn looked so beautiful in that shirt because honestly it looked ridiculous but he wore it with pride for Symeon and Marin and to me that is a glimpse of true beauty. 

 We took turns watching each person open a gift and it was fun to see the kids get excited for one another and they enjoyed watching and celebrating as much as opening.  

 Here they are examining the Angry Bird game that had Symeon jumping up and down around the room when he opened it.  

 Here's Marin opening her new polka dot pj's that match mine and she loved them.  

 Symeon loves paper airplanes right now and Shawn found this neat book online to help you build cool airplanes with neat paper.  He loved it and we are still making new planes just about everyday it is really neat especially for the paper plane making challenged like me.  

 A fun after math mess.  One thing I love about Christmas presents is taking each kid shopping for the other one.  They both are very thoughtful when they pick out their siblings gift.  This year Symeon bought Marin a little pet shop house and Marin bought Symeon a remote controlled helicopter they were both super excited and very grateful to one another.  It was so sweet to take each one shopping and even more fun to watch them give their gift to the other.  Shawn and I decided our big gift to one another was our new house so I bought him an ornament of a house and had it engraved with the words AHHHHHH!  We Own It! 2011.  He got a kick out of it and he bought me a Kindle Fire a bit against the rules but I love it to say the least. 

Here they are playing the Angry Bird game.  They all played for several hours building and knocking it down really fun for all of us. 

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