Tuesday, January 24, 2012


In general I am quite person.  I hardly ever listen to music when I am alone and I only turn on the TV if there is something I want to watch never for noise.  I don't like background noise and I wear ear plugs at the gym because all the background noise is irritating.  I will always choose silence when given a chance.  So over the years as my two toddlers have begun talking and often at the same time or over one another or crying I have found myself wincing and often craving some sort of quiet.  But today as I write this quick note and they play a song on their pot and pan drum set I am moved to tears by the "noise".   They are having so much fun, they are laughing together, changing up their instruments and overall enjoying themselves.  I am struck by the beauty of this noise I am struck that season to shall pass and my home will be quiet. 

I must confess I do not always see the grace and beauty of the loud and I am often  moved to tears not because of joy but with frustration but today I am moved by the beauty that this "noise" is bringing to my life and our home.  For today for this moment I can say I would not want it to be quiet I would never not want to hear the background noise that is the beauty of their creativity and lives.  I am thankful for the pounding sound echoing in my head and the small voices in between that remind life is short and amazing and banging a few pots and pans is good for all our souls, our home, and our family.  Rock on kiddos you are blessing this Mama's soul!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I couldn't feel more the same...about the quiet or the noise! Beautifully put!