Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I think every mother can relate, at least I hope I am not alone!

I had one of those days today that you are so glad to see end. I blew it with my kids on so many levels today I am pretty sure they will still be living with me when they are 35 and I will be making them lunches while they live in the basement searching the web and connecting with people in chat rooms. Ok so I might be exaggerating a bit but really it was an exhausting day of crying and not just from the kids, misguided attempts to redirect Symeon, some scolding, some guilt, multiple times of losing my patience, an ugly incident with a slide and Symeon's two front teeth which made him unable to eat or drink just about anything which led to lots of crying once again from both of us, and finally a hair pulling incident which was an accident but it still hurt really bad regardless. The day did end with lots of love, hugs, kisses, cookies and books so it was not a total loss. Now they are both sleeping and I am soon to join them. Thank God tomorrow is a new day we all really need a clean slate.

Here are a few cute pictures that I needed as a reminder of fun loving days that far out weigh the rough one we had today.

Symeon loves to tickle Marin's feet and then they both laugh.

Symeon loves to get in Marin's crib with her and she enjoys his antics and once again laughter is sure to follow.


Terrell said...

Oh Miss Shelva... been there,done that. I recall a particularly dreadful day involving Conor and a closet when I was extremely pregnant with Thomas and Sean. I don't think he remembers it at all, but I will never forget it. I strongly believe that your day is much the same. You are an incredible mother.... believe that, love yourself, forgive yourself and continue to adore your beautiful gifts in those babies.

Lisa said...

Yes, EVERY mother can agree. I thank God more often for the FRESH grace and mercy he starts us with each morning than I ever used to, because I think I use it up more quickly than I did before I had kids.

Today is a new day, with no mistakes in it...yet. You'll make more today just like I will, but we just continue learning and growing right along with our kids. You are a good mom...exactly the mom YOUR kids need.

Rae said...

Oh yes, I've been there more times than I care to count...

Amy said...

Not sure how long you've been reading my blog so here's one of those days:
And here's a worse one:

We all have them. I think of Marilla Cuthbert (Anne of Green Gables) "Tomorrow's always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end...they are new every morning.