Sunday, September 13, 2009

Things I don't want to forget

The other night around 4 am I was awake nursing Marin and although she went back to sleep easily I was up for several hours. During that time I was thinking about a few things I don't want to forget...
1. I don't want to forget how soft Marin's skin is and how wonderful it feels to hold her hand while she nurses and drifts off to sleep.
2. I don't want to forget how wonderful their hair smells right after their baths.
3. I don't want to forget how Symeon runs to the door when he hears his friends on the other side talking.
4. I don't want to forget how great it is to walk into their rooms in the morning and see them smiling at you.
5. I don't want to forget how wonderful it feels to hear Symeon call MaMa from another room because he wants me to join him.
6. I don't want to forget how sweet he looks when he puts his arms up to me when he wants to be held.
7. I don't want to forget how wonderful it is to snuggle with him on the couch.
8. I don't want to forget the sound of either of their laughs which always make me laugh as well.
9. I don't want to forget how wonderful it is to hold Symeon's hand when we walk across the parking lot.
10. I don't want to forget to hold them loosely because they are gifts from God and being entrusted with their care means I will have to let them go and be and do all that God has for them.


Everything Belongs said...

This is beautiful, Shelva. Thank you for sharing. Children are gifts and being thankful and grateful for each and every moment is a good reminder...even in the midst of all the chaos that surrounds! You are such a good mom. They are lucky to have you.

Amy said...

Only a mother knows true!

Lisa said...

Hey, why not start the day with a cry?? You put it so beatifully...there are so many incredible blessings about this time in our lives. Its so hard to put all the love and joy into words but something is better than nothing. Sweet!