Thursday, September 3, 2009

Symeon is 18 months old

It is hard to believe Marin is 3 months and even harder to believe my first baby is a year a half. He looks like a little guy these days which is fun and sometimes heart breaking as I watch my baby become a toddler. Symeon continues to have this spark in his eyes and when I see it light up I know something is about to happen. He is sweet and fun loving and he is quick to smile and laugh. He has the best laugh and you can't help but laugh with him when he gets going.

He is learning so much every day. He says some words and communicates in his own way. He loves to do puzzles, read books, and kick balls. Symeon is also a milk addict and would drink a gallon a day if we let him. His obsession with balloons continues and any book that has a balloon in it has quickly become one of his favorites. Symeon also loves letters he can recognize some of them and will often point them out if there are words on our tee shirts. His favorite letter is "S" and purple continues to be his favorite color.

Symeon continues to love Cat in the Hat and he pulls his tail through his fingers over and over as he puts himself to sleep. He is always eager to help with dishes and laundry. He has started pointing things out now when we drive like every playground we pass and trucks and buses are also a big hit. He likes his Sissy and he often wants to hold her but he is confused now that she can grab him and move around a bit.

Symeon continues to be a snuggly little guy who is quick to give loves to everyone as well as high fives and fist bumps. He is a delightful little man who warms our hearts a million times a day and tries our patience about as often. He has thrown his first real tantrums when he was denied milk and he has started getting time outs which seem to be more affective now. At times he seems frustrated between being a baby and a toddler he gets frustrated when he can't get us to understand him and when he can't seem to do something on his own but overall we are enjoying him so much.

Symeon reminds us both on a daily basis that life is to be enjoyed and that chasing bubbles, splashing in puddles, eating ice cream with your whole face, and throwing your hands up in the air and yelling dishes is how we should all approach life. God has truly blessed us with a son that is as full of spirit as he is tender hearted.

Here he is at his 18 month check up. He stands on the big boy scale now which he thinks is pretty neat. Symeon weighed 28 lbs and he is 35 inches tall. The doctor told us he is the size of your average two year old so he is a big healthy guy.

He loves to climb and the slide is always a hit especially when he can climb up from the bottom.

Here he is drinking a glass of milk and in the background 4 of six balloons that are floating around our apartment. Thanks to our friends at Paxton who gave him a whole bunch of balloons. When he sleeps a few have met an untimely demise since our place is so small too many balloons makes for a frustrated mama.

Symeon has a set of tools so he is always fixing things especially if Shawn is working on something. This was taken when Symeon was working on his laptop and Shawn was working on our laptop because of a run in with a bowl of milk. In the same morning we learned that Symeon has learned how to unscrew lids we found this out when he was being quiet standing right next to me in the bathroom and I looked down to see him watching hair gel flow out of an open bottle and forming a puddle around his feet. We are really lucky that our laptop still works and our blackberries which also were laying in milk are fine. To clarify Symeon was only pointing to his hair and Shawn was standing next to him with a bowl of cereal and when he brought his hand up he accidentally hit the bowl and milk went everywhere.

Symeon loves to sit on the counter and assist us with everything we are doing. He really loves it in the morning when we are getting our breakfast. I use to sit on the counter at home and there is something so fun about having him at eye level with me so we can chat in the morning.

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