Marin has become quite the chatter box the other day I had her in the bjorn at the grocery store and she talked the entire time we shopped and everyone would stop and laugh and talk to her which she just loved. She is so social and loves to go new places and have everyone and anyone talk to her. She goes to sleep so easily and still prefers to be put in her bed then have you rock her to sleep at least for naps but at night I snuggle her to sleep and I love every minute of it. Shawn and I both love to hold her and we take every opportunity we have because we know all to well that before long she will be on the move and being held will not be her preference. Her greatest discovery this month were her feet which she loves and actually she gets a bit frustrated when she is in feet pj's and can't get her toes in her mouth. She has developed the greatest laugh that comes easily especially when Symeon is around. She adores him and often in the back seat of the car they will be looking at each other smiling and laughing. At her check up she was 15 lbs 14 ozs and 26 1/2 inches long so she is a healthy girl in the 95% for her weight and off the curve for her height.
Marin can cry at the drop of a hat if she does not like something and usually that means if you try to put her down when she prefers to be held. As you can see she was not to happy with this photo shoot. I love this sun dress and hat she has on but she was not in the picture taking mood.
Here we are at Spruce Lake in the Poconos mountains over labor day. You can't tell in this photo but she is wearing carpi pants and they are just down right funny on her short chubby legs.
I love when babies sleep with their butts in the air.
The other morning she was talking in her crib and then she was screaming blood murder I jumped up to see what was wrong and I found she had pushed her leg out of the crib all the way up to her thigh and then she bent her leg so she couldn't pull it back in. I don't think it hurt her as much as it made her mad because she could not move. She moves all over her crib, turns around, pulls at the sheets, and scratches them with her nails. Honestly she is the loudest sleeper, I use to think Symeon was loud but I had no idea she grunts, talks, sighs, and scoots all over which some nights can keep me up but I do enjoy waking up in the morning to her cooing, talking, laughing, and sucking her toes. Some good news is that she seems to have traded her thumb for her toes and since I haven't heard of any kids going to kindergarten sucking their toes I figure we are doing just fine.
She's getting so big! Levi was 17 lbs. at his 4 month but shorter than Marin. Levi and Marin will make a good couple - he's a man of few words but told me he likes a woman who can express herself!
So sweet! I do hope we get to meet your beautiful babies some day :)
It IS so sad to see the months ticking by, but so much fun in the day-to-day of it. Four months is the golden age for me, too. They are so proud of all their new accomplishments and so social. They don't have to be held all the time but can entertain themselves for bits of time.
This is the first time I've noticed her hair so red...I'm thrilled. Red heads hold a very special place in my heart. :)
Such sweetness laying in that crib!
Sorry 'bout your couch. Nothing is sacred!
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