If you are wondering what you are looking at it is a picture drawn on our sofa with a pen
I call this one "Ode to the Couch"
Ok I love this sofa and it took me months to pick it out when we were living in Denver. With kids it has taken a hit some snot, some puke, something split here or there and through it all it has come clean amazingly well but I am not sure if we are coming back from this incident. The hard part is that I did not catch him in the act. I came home from work and Shawn was in the our room changing Marin and Symeon was with him. I walked in and asked Shawn what happened to the sofa and he had no idea what I was talking about. So I took Symeon to the sofa and asked him who drew on the couch and he just looked at me and then I said where did you get the pen and he smiled and took me to Shawn's desk and behind the computer laid a pen. You see Symeon has a problem with pens so we keep them out of his reach but I guess we missed one and he found it. I would just turn the coushion over but since Marin is right behind him I figure I might ride it out with the pen on it and flip it over when they are a bit bigger.
have you tried spraying hairspray on it? it works on clothes; don't see why it wouldn't work on your couch!
Girl, I'm with ya! I don't even want to tell you what's on my cusions. I'm thinkin we'll just not eat one month and trade this set in when we're beyond the prescool years. Flip the cusions when company's over and call it good!
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