Sunday, September 13, 2009

Conspiracy Theory

Ok so this might sound a bit paranoid but I am pretty sure that some days our children are plotting against us. For instance Marin who usually sleeps until 8 or 8:30 was up at 5:30 the other morning ready to start her day. Now granted she was so cute I could hear her talking in her crib cooing and giggling and when I went to look in she was holding her feet in the air and gave me a big smile. But that same morning Symeon who usually is up at 7 slept until after 8 which means I could have slept until after 8 myself but instead I was up at 5:30. You see what I mean I am pretty sure they must have chatted a bit the night before. Then there are the nights when they are both awake in the middle of night and I no sooner get one back in bed and snuggle in to my bed when the other begins to cry for me. Conspiracy for sure. Babies unite!!