Monday, June 14, 2010

Our children have so much to teach us...

I truly believe that my children have so much to teach me and I pray often that I am always open to learning from them.  Well this week Symeon taught me a few hard lessons. 

First we were watching Clifford the Big Red Dog and the lesson was not to judge someone before you really get to know them because you have some sort of preconceived idea of what they are about or what they can "bring" to the table.  Well this hit me like a ton of bricks.  I have been struggling with a life situation and I realized this is exactly what I have been doing but I have been dressing it up as critical thinking and all other sorts of pretty adult wrapping that I use.  So really I have been judging someone before I have given them a chance.  So thanks Clifford the Big Red Dog this Mama needed to hear it plain and simple, play nice.

Next I am working on teaching Symeon that we need to share.  So we practice sharing as a family and talk about it often.  In general he does really well but every once in awhile I say Symeon we need to share and he disagrees and a small battle ensues.  So this week I was enjoying something and Symeon very politely asked me for some and you know what, I did not want to share it with him and I hesitated a bit.  He looked up at me and very nicely said Mommy share and put out his small hand.  OK so I did not throw myself down on the ground although I kind of wanted to but rather I shared with him.  Thanks Symeon for helping Mommy learn the age old lesson of sharing.

When I am going to the bathroom Symeon usually wants to join me so I have been working with him that it is really important to give people privacy.  So sometimes I say Symeon Mommy needs privacy right now then you can join Mommy.  He takes it well on  most occasions.  So the other day he opened our apartment door and was headed out into the hallway when I said Symeon where are you going and I went to grab the door.  He looked up at me and said privacy Mommy and proceeded to close the door in my face.   I was stunned and then I began to bust out laughing.  I then went into the hallway and brought him back inside.  It felt good to know he is learning and applying what he is learning to life but I guess I just figured he would use these teachings on someone else besides me.

Finally and this one is the most embarrassing because I think all I learned is that I can be pretty immature especially when I am tired.  Symeon was saying Mommy about a 100 times over and over in this whiny annoying voice while I was trying to get something for work done really quickly on my computer.  He was standing at my elbow and he was driving me crazy but I was in a time crunch so I had to ignore a bit more than I would have liked.  Finally I was finished and he climbed up in my chair and I looked at him and began to annoy him calling his name etc and he was annoyed and I said gosh that did not feel very good did it.  I looked up to see Shawn looking at me and I said I am so mature huh?  We both busted out laughing and I apologized to Symeon and he apologized to me.  Gosh I can be a really big whiny complaining jerk of a Mother sometimes but the beauty was that Symeon did not hesitate to forgive me so I guess I am doing ok with him on some level.

Thank you Symeon for all the lessons you taught me this week.  I am a better Mom and person because God gave you to me.  I look forward to the many more things you will teach me throughout our lives together. 

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