Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bounce House Break

Symeon loves bounce house but yesterday at a friends picnic he had a bit of an accident and broke his arm!  He managed it quite well and was quite the trooper through it all.  I peeked in the bounce house and he was on his knees crying for me.   I told him to crawl to me and with some help from a friend he came over to me.  I pulled him out and asked where his boo boo was and he pointed to his arm.  When I looked down I realized his arm seemed to be hanging a bit funny and he was holding it to his body.  At this point he was kind of sobbing and he said he wanted to leave and he did not want to go back in the bounce house so I knew he was in pain.

I held him for awhile and then had our friends sister who is a nurse look at it and she confirmed what I knew and we headed to the ER.  Symeon was great and we were at the hospital about 45 minutes from start to finish.  He was smiling and laughing with the nurses and he let the x-ray tech move his arm all over and turn it without even wincing so I figured or it can't be broken but when they looked at the films it was.  He now has a temporary cast until we see an pediatric orthopedic doctor this week.  Everyone once in awhile he tells me he wants to take it off and it took him about 10 minutes to figure out he probably can get it off if he wants but overall he is managing well and honestly it has not slowed him down one bit.

On Symeon's second birthday Shawn and I were both saying how amazed we were that he had not broken anything yet, for as much as he climbs we both feel pretty good that it has taken this long.  I must confess it was hard to watch my little guys suffering and not be able to help him.  I do feel so blessed that Symeon has an amazing pain tolerance and he was never hysterical or inconsolable true to his nature he took it all in stride and I think he actually found his time in the ER to be quite an adventure.   

So here is a picture of our dear sweet guy with his big old cast I will add more pictures next week when he gets his "real" one.

The cast goes up to his shoulder so he can't twist his arm at all.   The break is about an inch above his wrist and even my untrained eye can see it on his x-rays. 


Lisa said...

Oh man! I thought those bouncy houses were safe, at least as far as broken bones. From the little I've seen (stairs) I have to agree I'm surprised its taken this long. :) What a trooper.

Terrell said...

Oh Pumpkin! Just a matter of time I suppose. Glad it seems to be a fairly simple break.