Friday, June 11, 2010

Brother Sister love

During the first few months of Marin's life I never thought I would see the day where they would tolerate each other never mind love each other but there are so many days where love is abounding between the two of them.  When Marin wakes up from her nap Symeon runs in to her room and says "Hi Babes" and she smiles so sweet.  The other day in the car Symeon said Mom and I turned around to see them holding hands talk about melt a Mom's heart.  Tonight when I was putting Marin to bed I told her to give brother loves and she walked over to him and they hugged each other for a moment and Symeon said, "Good night Babes" and then he found her purple monkey gave it to her and she toddled off to bed.  I teared up a bit thinking how beautiful it is that they have each other.  Here are a few pictures of these sweet amazing brother sister duo. 

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