Monday, January 4, 2010

Symeon's First Christmas Program

I am a little behind for December since the kids and I returned from our Christmas travels with terrible colds so I have not been blogging.  Bear with me I as I work to cover December, Christmas, and the odd and ends pictures I want to post.  I will catch up especially since January is usually a slower activity month.

Symeon was in his first Christmas program as church and it was so cute.  He and his little friends from Sunday school were suppose to sing Away in a Manager but instead of singing they all stood there except one little girl who belted it out and saved the day.  I knew Symeon would not sing because he is a child of few words but he does love to perform so being on stage was really fun for him.  He cried once and that is when he had to leave and the stage because his program was over.  Here he is one of the cutest shepherd's ever known to grace the stage wearing red converse sneakers and a robe.

 Hanging out in the nursery waiting for the big moment

Micah the wiseman and Symeon the shepherd
or like Shawn said no real assigned roles more like small kids
in our best guess of biblical attire dress

Micah, Charlie, and Symeon still waiting.
  They all wanted their costumes on but then they had to wait for their time.
Charlie kept asking if it was time because he really did not not want to miss his time on the stage.
  I assured him multiple times that I would not let him miss it although I do think he doubted me.


Here is Symeon on stage he is holding Charlie's hand and he was by far the smallest kid to perform.
  He did really well and was just so cute.



Lisa said...

Oh man. How stinkin cute is that??

The Hamons said...

SERIOUSLY adorable!!!