Tuesday, January 26, 2010

8 months old

Marin turned 8 months old on January 16th.  She had a busy month cutting two teeth, learning to say Da Da, standing on her own, pulling herself up on everything, and finally taking two steps.  She eats very little baby food that is pureed because she hates to be fed unless it is Symeon giving her the food.  She eats almost everything we eat and she loves it.  She has begun to scream at the top of her lungs just to hear what it sounds like.  She is in love with Symeon's stuffed Curious George monkey that Austin and Clover bought.  She has begun sleeping with it and it is so cute to go in her room and see her snuggling George.  She wakes us up in the morning by "talking" to George.

She has also begun going to other people willingly and will even allow me to leave the room while she is being held.  We were able to leave her with a babysitter for the first time and she did great.  I think having Symeon with her helps quite a bit.  Marin continues to worship her brother and she follows him everywhere.  They play hide-and-seek together although I don't think Marin knows she is playing.  Every month they get cuter and cuter with one another it is such a blessing to see them interact.  Marin continues to be such a happy baby who laughs easily and smiles at everyone.  She is such a blessing to our family. This month she had pulled over the garbage on many occasions, she pulled an entire pan of raw chicken in a marinade out of the fridge, when she is crawling across the floor anything in her way gets chucked behind her nothing impedes her progress and I mean nothing.

Here are a few pictures of some of the "trouble" she gets into on a regular basis these days.

She loves Shawn's computer especially if he is working on it

Enjoying a book with her brother

Let her know if you need any cleaning done

Here is the infamous picture we were taking when she took her first steps

She pulled these burrito shells off the table and I found her sitting on the floor eating them 

Busted Sissy Girl

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Trouble indeed...wow. I canNOT wait to see her personality develop as she gets older. She's going to be amazing.

Love her face when she's sitting in the rocker. And Symeon...wow...he just gets older and more sophisticated.

So great to get a glimpse of the everyday there.