Monday, January 4, 2010

Hershey Choclate

Since I have been in college I have been going to Hershey's Candy Lane to see the lights.  It is always lots of fun and since Symeon loves Christmas lights we decided to take him and Marin this year.  Now granted it did not start out great since Symeon did not take a nap that day and on the drive over he fell asleep so it took him the first hour we were there to wake up and it really was not to fun.  He wanted to be held and he wanted on rides then he cried on them.  But after the first hour he perked up and we had a great time.  He loved the lights, the rides, and the yummy snacks.  Marin was awesome she loved it all and took it all in with smiles and laughs.  She probably enjoyed the first hour the most out of all of us. 

One thing Shawn always reminds me when we do things like this is to have no expectations.  He is really good at this I am not quite so good at it.  Shawn is fine with whatever happens and most of the time I am as well but my optimistic spirit always makes me believe it will go well and sometimes that works out and sometimes it doesn't.  I must confess I had low expectations for this trip and they were exceeded.  Earlier times in our kids lives I would have had us all laughing on rides, hugging giant hershey bars, beautiful pictures of us all smiling with Santa, warm looks from my children of love and excitement, and finally when it was time to leave Shawn and I would each be snuggling a sleeping baby on our shoulder.  Currently my expectation is for them to be awake and even that is a bit high at times.  I have learned to adjust my expectations and see the beauty in the reality of what happens and I am finding that living in the reality of the moment helps me embrace the beauty of the experience instead of being disappointed by my unrealistic expectations.  I have even found every once in awhile what happens far exceeds any expectations I could have imagined.

Symeon and I on the carousel right before he began to cry.

Marin all bundled up enjoying the lights.

Symeon and Shawn after the ugly wake up time.

Shawn and his girl enjoying a snuggle.

Symeon loved this fire truck ride.
  Shawn is such a great Dad he rode it multiple times all squished and he was still smiling.



The Hamons said...

Oh, Shelva, it is SO TRUE!! You are NOT alone in that - I am "guilty" of the very same thing and have come to the same realization, though still have to remind myself of such!! What a gorgeous family you are blessed with.

Lisa said...

You forgot in the expectations that at the end your children give you a big hug and kiss, thanking you for the great sacrifices you make to make it possible for the family to do fun things like that. :)

I laughed out loud at Shawn in the fire truck. there nothing they won't do in the name of kid fun?