Monday, April 9, 2012

Symeon turns 4

Way back in February our sweet little Symeon guy turned 4 years old.  I still look at him in awe sometimes wondering where the time has gone and loving everyday the little boy he has become.  He is such a delight with a sweet hearts, sensitive soul, inquisitive mind, lover of sports, the arts, dancing, and all things purple.  He marches to his own drum and is not afraid to veer from the crowd to do his own thing.  He is funny, a bit fiesty, and at times true to his red hair a little bit of a fireball like his Mama.  He loves to dress himself and cares deeply what he wares which I did not anticipate from our little guy.  Accessories are a must, he loves bright colors, jewels, and to date he is growing his hair out so he can have a pony tail.  I convinced him to trim it so he didn't have a mullet but I say let it grow if you want we will see with hot weather coming. 

He loves all kinds of fruit, most veggies especially edamame, he loves plain pasta noodles dipped in ketchup right now and he would eat waffles for every meal if I let him.  I think he loves them so much because he can do the whole process by himself.  He loves Babes and they are such good buddies which blesses my heart on so many days.  His teachers loves him and say he is a joy to have in class.  He loves school and I love hearing about his time there because it is all his and he is the expert on it which has been really good for him.  He loves Adagio's chocolate chip cookies and has a sweet tooth also like his Mama.  He is quiet and thoughtful like his Dad.  He talks when he needs to but by no means does he need to talk all the time just like his Daddy.  Every year I see more of the quiet strength in him that drew me to Shawn.  He does not need to lead in every situation although he could and entering a crowded room of people still overwhelms him for a few minutes just like his parents. 

We adore him and feel privileged to have him as part of our family.  Symeon always remember that your  Mommy and Daddy will always make mistakes but at the root of all our decisions is a deep never ending love that will follow you all of your days.  Happy Birthday our love!

Symeon really wanted an angry bird/cake boss birthday party and I wondered how to bring those both together with the added challenge of his birthday being the weekend we moved to our new house.  Since neither house was in any shape to host a party we opted for a local bakery that does birthday parties where cake decorating is theme just like in cake boss.  I went with angry bird decorations and there you have it a angry bird/cake boss birthday.  He was really excited and yet true to character the day of his birthday he was overwhelmed and a bit anxious.  He said he didn't want to go and I had to talk him out of the play room so we could discuss what he was feeling.  He was able to tell me what was upsetting him and after we talked it through we were off to the party which was so much fun.

My Mom made all the kids cooking aprons with their names on them for party favors and then I worked every night after packing etc on angry bird themed goodie bags which turned our great but I don't think I even took one picture of them which stinks because they came out pretty good with a piggy balloon tied to each one. 

One funny note because it ended well happened that morning when I prepping a few final things and I stopped to answer an important phone call and honestly the only quiet place was in the bathroom so as I am answering some questions I looked into the mirror and I was holding the phone with my left hand and I noticed the diamond was missing from my engagement ring.  The tears started to stream down my face but I kept it together for the call.  After I hung up I cried then pulled it together again came out and called the kids and told them we were all going to crawl around on our hands and knees until we found it.  It was so sweet everything Marin found on the floor she called out I found it.  Symeon was very intent but then declared to me that he didn't think we were going to find it.  Shawn joined the search and as I made my way into the kitchen on my hands and knees I found it laying upside down a tiny point in the air right along the cabinets.  I could not  believe I found it considering at this point moving dirt and debris was everywhere.  A happy ending that will hopefully be able to be fixed soon.

 Babes McGee I think those sprinkles are suppose to go on your cake not directly into your  mouth.  It is hard to know how many sprinkles were consumed that day!

 Ahh what to add next!  My sweet little cake boss!

 A pretty serious cake decorator!

 One of our smaller attenders who could not do cake but loved sneakers

 Baby W.  loved the bib my Mom make him since he also was to small to decorate

 I love this picture of Marin because if you look close you can see a ton of sprinkles in her mouth!

  A good cake boss always has frosting in his hair and cake decorations in his mouth!  Symeon called his Oma one day to discuss with her what he would like on his birthday apron.  I was laughing so hard because he had it all planned out in his mind and he was giving my Mom detailed instructions.  It was a tall order but as Symeon will tell you his Oma can make anything and she did.  It had to be purple with his name full birthday date spelled out and an angry bird and his preference was the black bird.  Let's just say he was so happy when he saw it.   Thanks Oma you made the day!  

 A hooded angry bird blanket he loves and uses all the time.  Thanks Betty and Sophia what a great gift!

 The Angry Bird birthday cake!  It was sooo goooood as Symeon would say!

Babes McGee going in for the icing lick before the cake was cut, oh my sweet and tad bit mischievous Babes!
 One of Symeon's best buddies make him a trap kit for his birthday.  It was awesome and Symeon loved it.  Shawn and I were so touched by his thoughtfulness he really knows Symeon and took the time to find a gift that was perfect.  Thanks A. you are a delight!  If you look close you can see the angry bird bags in the background.

 Our dear friends Megan and Jeremy showed up with a gift for Babes as well and honestly they saved the day.  She was struggling with the present situation so a princess ball was just the cure for a tried Mama and a sad baby sister.  Thanks guys you are always so thoughtful!

 The terrific duo!

  Two tired parents and two sugar high kids but one happy family celebrating the life of one so dear!

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