Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Conversations at bedtime

Both of our children like to ask me questions at bedtime.  I think because it is quiet and they are usually getting one on one attention from me.  Up to this point Marin has asked some simple questions about her birthday or one of her babies or her music class but pretty simple easy to answer well following in her brother's footsteps she stumped me with her questions tonight. 

A little background is that we have been talking alot about the meaning of  Easter and we have Resurrection Eggs and each egg has a verse and a small item to help talk to kids about Easter.  I was a bit skeptical at first but the kids have loved them and ask to do them.  So for example one egg has a cross, one has a piece of white linen, one has dice, one is empty for the empty tomb and so it goes.  With that background our conversation began like this:

Babes:  Mama Jesus died on the cross
Me:  Yes Babes he did because he loves us
Babes:  Mama they put that circle with the poky points on his head (the crown of thorns)
Me:  Yes Babes they did
Babes:  Mama what was the small stick for?
Me:  Babes they hit Jesus
Babes:  That is so sad Mama we should give Jesus a teddy bear
Me:  Yes Babes we should I am sure it hurt Jesus and I am sure he would love a teddy bear
Babes:  Mama how can we bring it to him?
Me:  What Babes? 
Babes:  How can we bring it to Jesus where is his house? 
Me:  Oh Babes Jesus lives in heaven with God
Babes:  Otay how do we get there?  Do you know how to get there?
Me:  Well Babes Jesus also lives in our hearts so he knows about the teddy bear
Babes:  Mama when I get big I want to get an earring in my nose like you
Me:  (laughing) okay Babes when you get old you can if you want to
Babes:  Mama can I have Cinderella cupcakes at my  music class on my birthday? 
Me:  Yes Babes
Babes:  Blue one with a princess crown on them? 
Me:  Yes Babes
Babes:  Goodnight Mama I love you
Me:  Goodnight Babes I love you too

I love the thought pattern of a two year old.  I am blessed beyond measure and although she moved on tonight from visiting Jesus at his house I am sure to here this question again just knowing my sweet Babes McGee. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I have many of those conversations! Hysterical!!