Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Last summer I thought it was so funny to watch Symeon and Marin eat watermelon.  They start the same way but the end product is really different.  We bought our first watermelon after weeks of begging in the grocery store and to be honest it wasn't that bad for being so early.  I was curious to see what would happen this summer if they would both stay true to their watermelon eating habits of last summer and the answer is yes.  Can you guess which kid ate which piece?  If you guessed Marin ate all the pink almost to the green skin and Symeon left a ton of pink so as not to get to close to the green rind you are correct.  I grabbed this piece of Symeon's before Marin could finish cleaning it off.  She usually waits until he is done and then cleans ups his pieces as well no reason to let good watermelon go to waste. 

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