Sunday, June 5, 2011

Oh the conversations we have these days

Symeon walks into the office and this is what he says and picture that he is wearing no pants or underwear he is carrying them in his hand. 

Symeon:  Mom I had a little accident
Me:  That's okay what happened
Symeon:  I had to go pee so I went to the potty and I thought I had to poop so I sat down but my pee pee was sticking up when I peed it hit the door.
Me: Wait you were on the potty and when you peed it hit the door (the door is across the bathroom)
Symeon:  yes mom (like I am an idiot) I told you my pee pee was sticking up
Me: Okay did you clean it up
Symeon: Nope I told Dad he is cleaning it up
Me: Great good job
Symeon: I need you to help me put my pants on
Me: Sure

I am pretty sure I had the easier of the two jobs this time. 

I am realizing that Symeon takes it as a challenge to see how long he can hold pee and if we are going somewhere he does not want to pee at home because then he will not have any pee left for the new bathroom he could explore.  Here's and example

Me:  Symeon we are going to Adagio (our favorite coffee/snack place in our neighborhood) and then taking Aunt Niecer to the airport do you need to use the bathroom before we go?
Symeon: No Mom the airport has a bathroom I will wait and go there
Me: No Symeon you can't do that we are not going into the airport
Symeon:  Okay I will wait and go at Adagio's  
Me:  Okay but you have to go at Adagio's
Symeon:  Mom I will go there even though they don't have a urinal because it is a family bathroom but it is really big so I can go there
Me :  Okay (thinking what in the world does this kid have every bathroom in town memorized?)

Finally the other night as I was putting him to bed he said Mom we need to put a urinal in this house.  I said good night Symeon and you have to talk to your Dad about that I don't know anything about urinals.  Okay Mom, good night. 

As  you can tell from these conversations he loves urinals and potties.  He is doing so well and the other night he told me he did not want to wear a pull up to bed he wanted to wear big boy undies.  He has been waking up dry for about 2 weeks so I figured we would try soon so I agreed and he has been dry the last two nights.  Good bye diapers for one kid, now Marin here I come. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hilarious. "you have to talk to your Dad about that I don't know anything about urinals"....classic!