Friday, June 3, 2011

Coming of Age

A recent event in Symeon's life is a coming of age event. We bought him his first real bike. He rode his cousin's bike in Atlanta when we were visiting and he loved it so we bought him the same bike and needless to say he wants to go bike riding everyday which we pretty much do since we love to bike ride as well. It was so sweet when his new bike arrived he came running downstairs to tell me his bike was here and that Babes McGee could have his old bike because he would not need it anymore. She was so excited and thus begins Marin's life of hand me downs at least for some things. She loves her "new" bike and both are happy. The funny part of Symeon getting his new bike is that within a day he wanted the training wheels removed and although we encouraged him to ride it for a few weeks with them he insisted so we removed them. He was riding it in the basement play area since it rained for four days straight after he his bike arrived and then the entire next week. If you know Denver weather you know this is unheard of and Shawn and I had to laugh a bit although Symeon would check every morning to see if it was raining and the first day he cried it was so sad. He tried without training wheels in the basement and he could not get going fast enough so he wanted them back on but I don't think it will be long until we remove them for good. After just a few weeks he flies around and although he has had a few rough falls he gets right back up and off he goes. I pretty much need to ride my bike to keep up with him because a few times he has gotten away from me and other people have stopped him and turned him around. Honestly I am pretty sure he rides many many miles when we take him out.

Here are a few pictures of Symeon and Marin's new bikes and their helmets. We figure both our kids need to wear helmets. After one crash where his head bounced off the side walk and another where his face slide across the concrete I am glad we did not make helmet wearing optional.

 The big assembly 

 The first push off from Dad

 2 hot rods

 Looking good on the new wheels

 Riding at the park he loves it

 Oh the joy and new found freedom that comes with your first bike, I love that smile

 Marin taking it all in and ready to roll at any minute

 His face after he slid across the sidewalk

My two silly bike riding buddies.  The really funny thing to me is that I saw a woman riding her bike with her helmet on just like this and I about fell over laughing and I know I should have told her but I just couldn't it was hysterical.  I think I should get them Born to Ride Tee shirts they would love it. 

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