Monday, June 27, 2011

Catch all post of the past several weeks

I have not been posting very regularly the past few weeks because we have been in the midst of great change once again.   Although we are not moving this time just our housemates Michael and Denise our lives and home have been in a state of moving which at times was quite stressful and very emotional. We are all grieving the loss of our dear friends especially since we lived with them so closely for the past 8 months.  They loved us and our kids and the first night they were gone Shawn and I both felt alone in the world which was odd.  After talking it through I realized that I have not lived alone with only my immediate family since I was in 3rd grade and since I am now 36 that is a long time to live in some kind of community setting.  I think it is going to take some getting used to. 

I also realized I am usually really good at documenting what the kids have been doing and how they are growing and changing but I do realize I say very little about some of the other "stuff" in life.  For instance I never mentioned that I went to this amazing conference for spiritual directors in Atlanta for 3 days and also visited with family or that I have attended 3 concerts in the past several months.  Duran Duran with Denise for her birthday I did not know one song.  U2 because honestly I felt like I needed to and I was not disappointed and finally Mumford and Sons because Shawn had a box because of his ticket connections.  Really lots of fun and a bit out of the norm for me since in general I don't really love attending concerts. 

Since our housemates have moved I have been given the rare treat of having my own office which is super fun.  I have a place to call my own and organize in my own way which I am loving.  Although it needs a lot of work it is a great space and so exciting.  With my new office I was given Shawn's hand me down desktop which will be easier for blogging etc than my laptop but I have found that  computer is a very personal thing and it is taking me sometime to "fall" for this one.  I am still making it my own so I am not comfortable on it just yet but in time.  One thing Shawn and I figured out very early in our marriage is that we can't share a desk or a computer so I am content with his super fast hand me down so that he could get an even faster computer as long as he took all his "stuff" off it which he did thanks honey!

The kids and I have been super busy as well.  We have been meeting new friends, attending birthday parties, going to play groups, swimming until we are water logged, going to playgrounds, the zoo, the aquarium, the botanical gardens, splash parks, bike riding, hanging out with new babies, blowing bubbles so many we bought a bubble gun because some days I felt light headed, we have squirt guns which Symeon loves but honestly I hate since I don't really like to be wet in my clothes, we have eaten a lot of Popsicles and we have spent a tone of time running through the sprinkler.  Overall we are having a fun and wonderful summer hanging out even though summer has officially just began and to be honest I really hate summer but with kids it is pretty fun. 

We have used gallons of sunscreen and I see no end to our usage in the future since the Colorado sun is intense and we are about as fair skinned as they come both kids grimace when I lather them up but they endure.  We have fun sun hats because Marin was continuing to burn her nose even with 70spf and I am so glad they both love to wear them it makes life much easier.  We were in the mountains this past weekend and we has to lather up several times a day because biking, swimming, hiking, and playgrounds are hard on the sunscreen.

We were so happy to have Jeff, Katie, Sam and Maya visit for several days and we are excited my college friend Andi will be coming for about a week to hang out and then we are off to CT for 10 days and then my Mom will be coming back to CO to hang out with us.  I will do some more posts of some of these fun times we are having.  I hope you are all enjoying your summer as much as we are.

I love this picture of summer fun because it captures the joys of being a kid in the summer and that Marin is never more than a step behind her brother.  She follows him everywhere and he leads with great love. 

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