Sunday, November 13, 2011

Conversation this morning...

Shawn and I joke around that we really don't enjoy Sunday mornings because we are trying to get to church on time with no meltdowns.  In general we do a pretty good job but this morning was full of lots of not so great parent moments but in the midst of it Symeon cracked me up.  He told me yesterday that he really wanted to wear a tie to church the next day so I agreed, fun I thought he is so cute in his little ties.  Well this morning I busted out a cute pink long sleeve shirt and a pale blue tie super cute except to him.  He told me very directly that he did not like the pink shirt because it was a girl's shirt and  that he was not comfortable wearing it.  I said fine and we compromised with a blue and green shirt and an orange tie still super cute.  As the morning continued Symeon got in trouble so he decided he did not want to go to church well I put an end to that and told him he was going to church.  So in his upset state he declares that he is not going to wear a tie to church which was fine with me.  Well we made it through those moments so end of story so I think.  Well when I was doing Babes hair and I added a cute little blue flower to the side of her head Symeon asked to have one and so I handed him the flower clip and he clipped it in the front of his head right in the middle.  Now mind you it was bright pink with white polka dots and about the size of half dollar right in the middle of his head. 

At this point Babes had already removed her hair clip since she hates them but not Symeon he wore it right through church even to the front of the building for the children's sermon.  It brought a lot of smiles to people and when one kid asked him why he had a flower in his hair I was proud of him when he said because I felt like wearing it today full of confidence. 

I do hope the irony is not lost in the story you see he would not wear a pink  long sleeve oxford shirt because it was a  "girls" shirt but he was more than eager to wear a bright pink flower on his head for most of the day oh the irony of it all struck me as so funy.  .   

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