Saturday, November 19, 2011

Babes cracks me up

This is how our conversation went today at our favorite coffee shop.  Where she eats a "doodle" which is a Snickerdoodle cookie and I drink a Boba tea.  We were sitting that the table and she was looking out the window. 

Babes:  Look Mama a woof (dog)
Me:  Oh yah Babes he is so cute
Babes:  Where's woof's Mommy
Me:  I don't know Babes there's woof's Daddy getting coffee
Babes:  Look Mama that woof has a big mouth like you
Me:  What Babes?  (as I am cracking up)
Babes:  (Like I am hard of hearing)  Mama that woof has a big mouth like you (using hand gestures) not a little mouth like me (pointing to her mouth and using her tiny fingers) 

At this point I was laughing so hard I could hardly contain myself.  Babes I love you and they way you see the world is priceless. 

Although Babes is pretty much potty trained our potty adventures continue.  Today at the playground I found her hiding under a tree that I call her poop tree since almost every time we go to this park she goes under this tree and poops.  Well since she no longer wears diapers the poop tree is my nightmare.  As she was "playing" under the tree I was sure she needed to poop although she kept telling me she needed privacy and she was hiding from a baby who wanted her car.  Both explanations did not fly with me and I hounded her until she finally came out from under the tree telling me she needed to use the potty.  So we headed back to our favorite coffee shop across the street to use their potty.  As we entered the full coffee shop with only one bathroom I was a bit worried.  As we entered the bathroom and as she was sitting on the potty she told me she needed privacy.  Well since I am not about to leave her unattended in a single stall bathroom we agree that turning my back will give her the privacy needed.  At home she manages her business in about a 1 minute but for some reason in public restrooms where other people are waiting she needs a good 10 plus minutes.   So as I am standing with my back to her for 10 plus minutes and multiple people come to the door I keep asking her is she is done and every time I turn around she reminds me she needs privacy.  Well about 5 minutes in she begins singing several of her favorite songs as she dangles her feet and finishes her business.  When we hit 10 minutes I told her she was done because other people needed the potty.  When we finally left the potty and had to walk into the crowded room of people waiting for the only potty in the place I put my head down and walked out as quickly as possible because honestly what was I going to say sorry that took so long everyone my 2 year old needed to poop.  Also who is going to believe that this tiny little blonde haired blue eyed beauty would need that long in a bathroom so that would only leave one explanation right her Mama needed that long in the bathroom and is blaming it on her toddler, nice. Hence I put my head down and walked out as quick as possible.  This is not the first time this has happened but at least the other times she was in a multiple stall bathroom so people at least had options.  I am not sure what she loves about public restrooms but honestly I think she would sit there all day if I let her.

Babes has begun a new thing that makes my blood boil.  If you are talking to her and she does not like what you are saying she will turn her back to you and cross her arms.  The worst part is if you walk around to the front of her to continue what you are saying she will just keep turning keeping her back to you.  Well needless to say she has been in a lot of trouble for this particular gesture of her independence and defiance.

Babes you are awesome.  You make me laugh so many times in a day and I am so glad God gave you to me.  I love you my dear sweet Babes McGee, ALL OF YOU!

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