Sunday, January 23, 2011

Wait you are not 16 yet

Ok so the other day we were at Shawn's hockey game and Marin began to walk away from me and I said Marin stop and wait for Mommy.  She turned on her heels and although she did stop she put both her hands on her hips and tilted her head like she was being inconvenienced by me.  I looked at her and started laughing as did another woman in the stands at the game and I thought oh my gosh fast forward 15 years and that look and attitude will get you grounded but for now it cracks me up, within reason.  She has used this gesture many times over the last few days.  It is not always with an attitude sometimes she is just standing and waiting and every time I laugh because she is just so little.  I will try to catch it on camera while it is still really cute.   

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