Monday, January 17, 2011

Babes McGee

Ok so I have been wanting to do a bit post on Marin since her 18 month check up which was several days before we moved and that threw a curve ball in my plan so although I am a bit late I still want to do a big post giving our dear sweet girl a big shout of love and praise.  She is such a blessing in our family with her sweet hugs which squeeze you around your neck, her kisses which she just started giving, and the dear way she says thank you whenever you do anything for her or give her anything.  She smiles often and laughs a deep belly laugh that you can't help but join in with when she is doing it.

She is in the 75% for her weight and the 97% for her height.  She is talking a ton and even if she does not know a word she will babble an entire sentence throwing in all the words she knows until you figure it out.  I have lost track of how many words she knows because she adds new ones everyday.  Yesterday she verbally asked for my hand rather than just grabbing it to lead me to what she wanted it was so sweet and fun to hear her use a new word.  She is a ball of energy and runs almost everywhere she goes.  She loves to keep up with Symeon which can be challenging for us all but also such fun.

She is a bit obsessed with poop but that might be because Symeon is potty training.  She will sit on the potty every time he does yet she will get off the potty and pee on the floor so the connection is not there although the heart is willing and ready.  I am sure she will potty train very early if she holds true to her patterns thus far.  She loves babies and carries around 3 or 4 at a time.  She likes them all in her bed every night which often leaves very little room for her.  She uses the word mine almost like a swear word claiming just about everything she can get her hands on.  She told off a big kid at the zoo and told off some other kids at the playground she even put her hand palm up toward this older man yelling mine because she believed he wanted her jacket.  Luckily I don't think he could hear well and he thought she was saying hi rather than mine and he waved and smiled.  I on the other hand have perfect hearing and told her for the 50th time probably that day she was being fresh and no one wanted her jacket.

Babes is strong willed and determined and she prefers to do everything her self.  I love these traits about her and encourage them but it is also our job to keep them in check and that can bring about some battles.  She has thrown herself down more in public than Symeon ever did or has in his almost 3 years.  She began saying NO at 15  months and has not slowed up since.  She is a biter which is very tricky for me since she is my first one and poor Symeon is the only child she has bitten to date and I pray it stays that way.  She walks with attitude and everything about her is so darn cute we can barely stand it.

She has recently started letting me do her hair and she prefers two pig tails to one pony tail.  She will leave them in all day and she is adorable.  Her favorite number is 2 and her favorite color is blue just ask her and she will tell you.  Babes loves to eat and continues to put down the food.  She is losing some baby fat as she is growing although she continues to have a great belly that blows up when she eats.  The other night at dinner she had 3 pieces of pizza now that's my girl.  She loves all fruit and most veggies and I just found out she loves Taziki dip on carrots much like her Mama.  She also loves to mix things up and climbs on everything.  She climbed out of her crib at 19 months and now gets out whenever she feels like it which has presented some challenges especially when her brother encourages her to climb out every chance he gets.

She adores her Daddy and calls for him often in the middle of night if she wakes up.  She brings him a banana every morning in his office and always goes in to say good morning to him and give him some good morning loves.  She loves to brush her teeth and she loves to nap, bedtime is not her favorite but she is not to difficult.  She is a light sleeper but usually only wakes up when she is cutting teeth or not feeling well.  She has all her 1 year molars, 4 top teeth and two bottom and two weeks ago she cut 4 teeth all at one time giving her 6 top and 4 bottom.

So I could go on and on about this beautiful child.  She is delightful in every way and we are so blessed to have her in our family.  We love you Babes McGee.

Babes loves to lick any sort of yummy off her plate

 A halloween costume change up 

 Oh that sweet smile

 I caught her climbing out of her crib and it was interesting to see her agility and strength

Having fun pretending to go nun nights with her Daddy.  They were both so cute!

 I hope they always have time to talk to each other like this no matter how old Babes is I pray she will always adore her Daddy I know he will always adore her.

 I often find Babes watching her little show like this I guess she is lounging!

 Here is one of those throw down fits I mentioned above.  

 Blue her favorite color and her favorite M&M I found a blue trail on our walls from this one blue M&M she had.  

 One of the many things she climbs on and jumps off of on a daily basis.  She actually stood up there and watched a program for quite some time.  

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