Monday, January 24, 2011

My little sleep walker

Well I thought it would happen but not quite this soon and that is sleep walking.  Several times I have found Symeon standing in the hall crying or in the middle of his room and I know he was not crying long enough to get out of his bed to his location before I heard him.  So I had suspected he was sleep walking some which I did most of my childhood and even into college so I wasn't to worried.  Well the other night our housemates sister was sleeping in our living room and she heard something.  She thought it was the furnace at first so she didn't pay attention but the noise kept going so she rollled over and there was Symeon laying on the kitchen floor moving his feet so his whole body was going in circles.  When she went up to him she said he did not have a clue what was going on os she said she was going to take him downstairs to which he said no and so she said do you want a blanket and he said  yes.  but then she though I might wake up and look for him so she said let's go ask your Mom about that and she brought him downstairs and put him in his bed.  Well by this time he was pretty awake and he started to cry for me.  When I entered his room he was wide awake and I kept thinking how long has he been awake in here.  It took a little time to calm him down and then he went back to sleep.  In the morning she said does Symeon sleep walk and I said I think he does and then she told me the story.  I have been a little more nervous with him at night but since then he has stayed put in his bed.  I dread the day he is standing next to my bed and scares me to death like I did to my Mom on more than one occasion. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Laughing out loud picturing your mom's reaction to you standing over her in the middle of the night. Hilarious!