Monday, August 2, 2010

Trip to Connecticut

Since I am still playing a bit of catch up on the blog I am highlighting our trip to CT  back in June.  Every year Shawn goes on a mission trip with his youth group and the past several years I have gone to CT with the kids while he is gone.  Last year was a trip that I would honestly like to forget since neither of my kids slept, Marin was in the throws of acid reflux that made her miserable and inconsolable at times and she only wanted her Mama and Symeon well lets just say he spent more of his time serving time outs than playing.  It was honestly the trip from hell and their were times I thought Shawn would have to come leave the trip to come get us.  It was a hard time considering Marin was only a month old and our family adjustment time was in major turmoil.

 So entering this trip I thought it could not possibly be worse than last year and I was right thank goodness.  We had a great time hanging out with our family and friends.  The kids slept really well probably because they played so hard from morning until night.  We only  had one small problem with Symeon bolting toward the road on several occasions and scaring us all to death but overall it was a such fun.

Here are a few highlights...

All of the cousins at Mystic Aquarium 
Symeon 2, Austin 10, Clover 9, Marin 1

Watching the seal show

Symeon enjoying some ice cream from Auntie he also had his first sugar cereal, Apple Jacks and he loves them.  I have recently bought multi-colored Cherrios and we call them Apple Jacks score one for Mama.  

Marin loved my parent's cat Snowball, luckily she is really good with kids who want to touch her all the time.

Marin loves to drink out of outdoor spigots and


Symeon loves to water anything so he had a great time in my parents yard watering everything 

a little outdoor cousin fun with the hose

thanks Austin for the help!

I want to be just like Papaw

Marin and my Oma

Symeon with Una Oma

Clover was the biggest help with the kids.  She entertains them well and she is so responsible she kept an eye on them all the time. Thanks Clover we love ya!

Me and my girl

Oh to sum up the trip a little ice cream on the front porch in rocking chairs, wonderful!

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