Friday, August 6, 2010

The chipped tooth

I just realized I never updated the chipped tooth story.  Well we took Symeon to the dentist and he did really well sitting in the chair and letting the doctor examine him which was really nice.  The doctor said, as we expected, there was nothing they could do unless but wait.  If the tooth turns brown that is what it will be but if it turns black we need to call them and have it removed.  So far so good it is not brown or black yet and he reassured me the farther we get from the injury the less likely it is to turn brown so we will wait and see.  I have not been able to get a good picture but here is my best attempt for posterity's sake. 

This is about 5 days after the injury since he would not let me anywhere near him the first few days.  The left tooth is pushed back and there is a large purple bruise above it but by this time the raw bloody mess was gone thank goodness.  The right tooth has the chip but it is hard to see in this picture. 

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