Monday, August 23, 2010

Symeon's Bed

Symeon is a collector and he loves to carry things around with him. He has been like this since he was small a smaller baby.  During nap he takes a few books in his bed and I know he looks through them before falling asleep so that is how it started and now well it is a bit more stuff which does not seem to impede his sleep and honestly it does not bother me one bit but the other night there was barely any room for him but he slept fine.  I had to take a picture to remember this funny phase in his life.

In this tiny bed there are 9 items you can see and about 5 items you can't and he sleeps with things all around him.  Tonight when I put him in his bed he wanted a small notebook and a broken book light added to his collection.  Everyone once in awhile when the collection gets a little big I empty his bed and the collecting begins again.  

Last week though we did find one thing in his bed that I would never have let him have.  I must include this bit of info which is that Shawn put him down  for his nap on this particular day and he said he never saw the item in Symeon's hand so what was it?

Yes folks silly putty.  I walked into his room to get him up and  I thought he had been sick because there were two large green blobs on his sheets and I realized the silly putty was in his bed.  I asked Shawn if he had let him take silly putty in his bed and he said no which I am glad for Shawn's sake he had not allowed the putty in but rather had not seen Symeon put it in his bed. I might add these blobs were smeared on his brand new truck sheets and pillowcase I had just let him pick out the day before.  When I helped Symeon out of bed I noticed why the putty was so squished on his sheets because he had huge blobs smashed into his tee shirt and shorts.  He was laying on it sleeping and his body heat basically melted the stuff into his sheets. I wish I had taken some pictures but honestly I was just to frustrated by the whole situation and the extra work it had created I set to cleaning it up and when I was almost done I did chuckle and wished I had taken some pictures but oh well.  I guess we are just blessed that nothing worse happened with the silly putty, so a few days later I can laugh it off and keep going.  I am sure I will be reminded of this every time he uses those truck sheets and there is a large green stain on them.  Oh my little collector I just love ya!

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