Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A tattoo gone bad

Symeon loves tattoos and so of course when he gets one he always wants Marin to get one as well.  He had these fun sports tattoos so he picked a football for his arm and this little saying for Marin's arm which is #1 Fan.  The tattoo was fine it was the placement of it that was the oops.  As soon as I took the paper towel off her arm I was like oh shoot that looks like a concentration camp number tattooed on her arm.  I have tried rubbing and washing it off with no luck it is finally starting to chip off but really it is so tacky.  Some one at church asked me about it and I told them it said number 1 fan and then I explained I was mortified when it looked like a number found on people who survived concentrations camps and she said yah I thought the same thing when I saw it.  Oh gosh I felt terrible I thought by chance I was the only person who saw that when they looked at but I guess not.  So I chalk this up to a learning experience and move on never put any small word tattoos on your small child's arm it is a bad idea.  

1 comment:

Everything Belongs said...

Hey Shelva! Hope you are doing well. Your children are beautiful. Thinking of the tat, have you tried rubbing alcohol? I bet that would take it off...