Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I have always been an advocate of recycling and have always recycled but in the last six months life has been so busy that honestly washing out jars and carrying out the recycling often felt like more than I could manage.  In the last month I do feel like a life rhythm is again being established and thus I have renewed my recycling commitment.  I am not always able to take it out as often as I would like but we are once again recycling and being more intentional about living out our values.

Here I am hauling out the recycling late one night.  We had so much I had to take the elevator.  Shawn thought it was so funny he decided to take a picture rather than  help.  Thanks Buddy!  


Lisa said...

I have never once washed out a jar, can, plastic container and I've never had my recycling refused. Might want to give it a try...makes the process much more enjoyable. :)

Very pretty tree and very smart parents on all counts!

hannah said...

can i just say, this blog is a pleasure to read. never a dull moment, even when it comes to recycling! :)