Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree...

How lovely are your branches!  We had a great time this weekend putting up our Christmas tree with the kids.  Symeon is in love with the tree and wants to show it to anyone who stops in for a visit.  We havea small tree since we have always lived in small places so we decided to put the tree up on a table to keep our little climbers from pulling over the tree.  We also decided to make it a joyous season for us all we would buy some bulbs and put them on rather than our memory ornaments that can't be replaced.  Let's face it even if we do not let the kids touch the tree and discipline them for touching it they are most likely going to touch it at some point and if my ornament from our honeymoon in Venice, Italy was broken I might hold a grudge against one of my children.  So with all that said we decided to have a funky tree that is fun and makes all of us a bit more relaxed during this season.

  The helpers

I love this picture Marin's expression is like Oh my gosh he didn't

Symeon and Daddy hanging the ornaments

Symeon and Marin in the lights bin and in front of the almost finished tree.

Ahhh I love the warmth a Christmas tree brings to a home!

1 comment:

Leep said...

Theses pics are great. You guys look like you had a great time decorating.. Marin is growing so so fast!!! miss you Traci