Monday, December 28, 2009

Meeting Santa

Our church has a fun night every year for the entire community to come play games, hear Christmas stories, drink coco, eat cookies, do a craft and meet Santa.  This year Symeon really enjoyed himself and try to guess who liked Santa and who tried to escape from his lap. 

 Here  is Symeon playing with the train set it was a big hit with all the kids. 

 Here he is making a snowman ornament.  It was the first ornament he ever made and I am so excited to see it every year when I hang it on our tree. 
 Here is Symeon trying to escape from Santa.  Believe it or not Symeon wanted nothing to do with him... which means guess who liked him?

Yes Marin was quite taken with Santa she didn't cry she just looked at him and pulled at his beard.  Maybe we just need to have Santa babysit her? 

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