Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Marin's Half Birthday

It is hard to believe Marin is 6 months old.  Similar to Symeon's half birthday I spent a little time next to Marin's crib watching her sleep and thinking about her birth and what a blessed day it was when she came into the world.  She has had a busy month learning to crawl, sitting up, and trying food and everything is going well.  She is learning to love food and she crawls all over the place getting into everything.  We thought we were busy before but honestly we had  no idea.  If you turn your back for a minute she is into something that probably isn't best.  One thing I notice is how much more relaxed I am if we ever have any more children God bless I would probably be so laid back they could raise themselves.  When Symeon began to eat food I would only give him one type for several days and then introduce another with Marin I'm like that didn't seem to bother her so let's trying something else.  I would only give Symeon one cherrio at a time and watch him this week I dumped a bunch on her tray and told her to have a blast.  She smiled and began shoving them toward her mouth and granted only a few made it there but still I thought they dissolve she will be fine.

We are enjoying every minute with Marin.  She loves to know over blocks we build up, she drinks out of our water bottles by sucking out of a straw.  She loves magnets that are low on the fridge and she loves anything Symeon does or anything he is playing with.  This love for her brother leads to a lot of refereeing in our house.  Shawn and I didn't realize there would be this much "negotiating" in our house so early.  Marin does not give in easy and she holds her own with her big brother.  God bless Symeon if he even looks at her wrong she lets you know it.  She continues to smile easily and can bring a smile to the face of the most stoic person.

Marin is snuggly and a pure delight to have in our family.  We feel so blessed to be her parents and be entrusted with raising her.  Happy half birthday our beautiful baby girl you bring so much joy to us and we love you!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

She's such a pretty girl. Wish time could slow down just a little!