Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall Festival

We finally had a nice Saturday so we headed to a fall festival. It was a beautiful day. We went to this festival last year and it was weird to remember being there with Symeon as a baby and I would have been pregnant with Marin. My how a year has changed our family.

Milking a fake cow, Symeon wanted to drink the water which was just gross.

Symeon and I playing in the corn box.

Marin (5 months old) and I enjoying a beautiful fall day.

Symeon (8 months old) and I at the same festival last year. I think it is funny I am wearing almost the exact same thing a year later.

Symeon loved the Alpaca's

This was the best picture we could get of the two of them. They were both so busy we were lucky they both sat there for a few pictures.

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