Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well we had a nice Christmas not exactly what we expected but yet nice. We felt truly blessed to be surrounded by family and friends. We wish we could have spent more time with many of you but please know we treasured any moments we were able to share. We had a wonderful time in CT if only for a couple of days due to illness but I was reminded just how blessed we are.

Here are a few photos from our Christmas and I hope you all had a blessed holiday season.

Clover is never far from Shawn's side when we are in CT it is so sweet.

Austin and Clover got a WII and we all had a great time playing and lounging in their new gaming chairs from Oma and PaPaw.

My Mom knit this hat for Symeon it is so adorable.

Symeon got a Curious George and he loves it to say the least.

This is the birdhouse Austin built and painted for Papaw it was so sweet.

This is the mini Uncle Shawnie Clover got for Shawn.

Here is my crazy brother and his ever patient loving wife.

There are pictures of every kid with this Santa and Symeon loved him. In this pic he is signing more more which he just started to do although he does sign more for everything so sometimes it is quite the guessing game. We have been working with him on sign language and he seems to be getting it.

I love this picture of them Austin, Clover, and Symeon. I think it captures the essence of children at Christmas pure joy and laughter.

1 comment:

Leep said...

your x-mas blog is great! we already miss you guys. If you could see me now, you would see me signing more,more,more. We want to spend MORE time with you guys.