Sunday, January 18, 2009

11 months

Symeon is 11 months old today and he is full of life. He is walking more than crawling and getting better and better each day. We have tried to catch him on video with little success but we will keep trying. Here are a few fun pictures of our guy he is getting so big and developing quite a personality.

Ok Symeon watches very little TV but he does love a good Simpson's episode. He will only watch about a minute then he is off to do his own thing but it is pretty fun.

Symeon loves baths this is after a fun time in the tub.

He loves anything that has to do with the computer so he was pretty excited to come upon this mouse.

This is him trying to climb over the back of the couch. He tries to climb everything these days.

1 comment:

Oma's Place said...

Don't corrupt our Grandson with the Simpsons! Let him watch Blues Clues or Dora the Explorer and learn Spanish! oh and Shawn...sorry about your Eagles but at least you've got the other Phillis to route for!