Saturday, February 9, 2013

We did other things beside Halloween in October like Soccer

Soccer was another big time investment in October.  We enjoyed our Saturday morning games and Wednesday practices for Symeon and Tuesday afternoon practices for Marin.  They both had great coaches and really nice kids on their teams.  Here are few highlights of the season

Symeon's final game and team picnic

 Symeon and his buddy Jack

 Park Hill Pirates

 Happy Soccer Dance

 Listening to the coach say such nice things about each of them.  So sweet!

 The proud kiddo with his trophy and medal

The house we went to had a zip line in their yard and Babes loved it.  Here is an action series to show the pure delight.  

Marin's Fab 4 team

 She loved soccer this year.   She was very competitive and really fast.  She focused this season and rarely put her shirt over her head and ran around the field unlike her Spring time soccer experience where her shirt was over her head most of the time.  We are looking forward to the Spring season starting up soon. 

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