Thursday, May 3, 2012

A rough week for Babes McGee

Last weekend we went hiking as a family and Marin had what I considered a small fall.  She told me she hurt her knee we looked at it kissed and and kept going.  She was fine the rest of the day until she took a nap.  After her nap we were going to a soccer game so we headed out.  When we reached the parking lot and started our walk to the stadium she was limping.  I kept asking her if she was okay and she said she was fine.  I asked if her leg her and she said no but the limp was so bad Shawn had to carry her.  I thought  maybe she had a blister or something from hiking.  She was not crying or complaining so I forgot about it until we tried to walk to the car but at this point she was so tired and it was so late carried her to her bed and waited for morning. 

When daylight came she would not even walk on it and she would only crawl around kind of dragging one leg.  I had to work in the nursery so Shawn stayed home with her and propped her up on the couch with ice, ibuprofen and an ipad so she would sit still not an easy task for Marin.  I left for church and when I got home she would kind of limp around and crawl some but it was sad. 

Shawn and I decided to wait one more day since it was Sunday and we could see her doctor the next day.  Well Monday brought the need to carry her everywhere and tears so I thought okay time to take her in well the doctor agreed with us and we all decided to give it a couple more days since he could move it all kinds of ways without her crying in pain.  It seemed to be only weight that caused any problems.  Well Babes is never kept down long so she soon figured out if she turned her foot in and walked on the side of it she could get around so after two days of this weird walk we decided it was time for an x-ray about 6 days after the fall. 

She was great at the hospital and really good for the x-ray and we were happy to find nothing was broken but she continued to do that weird walk for about a week and just now she seems to be using it normally.  We all guess it was a sprain of some sort which is finally healing.  She was so sweet and tough as usual through the whole thing hardly a complaint at all. 

So onto our next adventure.  Yesterday I was down in the kitchen and Marin told me she wanted to get dressed which is normal and she heads up to pick her own clothes and get dressed "all by herself" she reminds me often that she is getting big and does not need any help.  So true to our routine I kept cleaning up the kitchen and off she went well about 5 minutes later I heard a crash that made my Mom gut about wretch and I ran up the stairs.  Luckily  Shawn was working in his office just down the hall from her room and he beat me to her as I rounded the corner I heard Shawn yell and my heart was in my throat.  As I rounded the corner Shawn was picking up her dresser and all I could see were her feet sticking out flailing and her body and head were pinned under the dresser.  I helped Shawn grab the dresser and we pulled her out.  She was hysterical and bright red from screaming I carried her to our bed thinking she had to be injured  after seeing her.  Honestly it looked like the Wicked Witch of the East in The Wizard of Oz when the house falls on her. 

I checked her over, calmed her down and found out her head and arm hurt her.  I checked them both and she seemed okay which honestly seemed impossible.  Her dresser is really heavy and without Shawn home I wonder if I would have been able to hold it up and get her our.  I like to believe that the Mommy strength would have kicked in and I am sure it would.  We watched her close for awhile but in about 10 minutes she was on her way again.  I asked her what happened and she told me she was putting her clothes away and she had three drawers open and she climbed up on her box to reach something and then the dresser fell on her.  Her exact words were "the tresser fell on me and I no get out and I cried and cried."  After she was settled down and moved onto something else I sat down had a good cry of what might have been and picked up the basket from the top of her dresser that was crushed when the dresser hit it.

Life is a fragile gift and when I get going with my day to day I can forget just how quickly everything in your world can change.  I am feeling so grateful this morning for my life and the life of my family and I realize with way to much clarity that a day can bring anything with it.

  Trying to get her to rest her leg was let's say "fun"  This worked for awhile then she preferred to crawl around dragging her leg so she could do her own thing.  I had to appreciate her tenacity.  

Getting her x-ray

I took a picture of the overturned dresser but my battery camera was dead so no picture to show the scene of utter chaos that was left. 

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