Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Creative Games

Symeon and Marin are not big toy kids which is fine unless you want them to go find something to do so you can get something done.  They love art, dance parties, anything outside, and they often find "things" to do which could or could not fall into the sketchy category.  I often get a kick out of what they find to do and lately their imaginations have been in full swing which is so fun to watch.

Today was one of their sketchy games which I am still not sure about as you can see there is a small object falling and being thrown back up and the floor shows the other objects who decided to "fall" from the "building" aka the stairs.  I am so blessed that they have each other and in general they are good playmates.  They did for quite awhile today at least in kid time and although the ponies seemed a bit big and a few objects hit the walls in a few questionable throws overall it was a hit and one of their least messy "games."  

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