Monday, March 26, 2012

My Renaissance Man

The other day Marin came down dressed in an outfit she picked out herself a purple tu tu and brightly colored striped pants and she told me she want to show her brother.  Well when she came down the stairs he said Babes you look beautiful I love the sparkle heart on your tutu and they way it matches the purple stripe in your pants is very pretty.  I really like it Babes you did a great job.  Now if he had said it really makes your eyes pop I might have fallen over and I thought to  myself way to go Symeon guy she smiled and twirled and then they headed off together.  She was beaming following him and he continued to complement her choice.  I praised him and told him that he was being kind and thoughtful to his sister he beamed and off they went. 

Another day he sat down next to me and said Mom let's talk about our feelings.  So he said how are you feeling?  I gave him my answer then I asked how are you feeling and he told me.  My soul was blessed because he wanted to talk about his feelings and he wanted to hear how I was feeling.  Oh my sweet guy may you always be willing to talk about how you feel and always be so willing to ask and listen to others. 

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