Friday, August 12, 2011

Lil Seedlings

 I have been taking Symeon and Marin to a garden class at the Botanic gardens and they love it.  The teacher is amazing and after the class we hang out in the amazing water area in the middle of the kids garden.  Here they are climbing the rock area.
 Marin dragging one of the many boats around.

 He loves a magnifying glass

Their lettuce plants.  A funny story about these plants is that I switched their name tags on the plants and here's why.  At the beginning of summer we bought them a little plant kit to grow on our porch water etc.  Well Symeon cared for his little seeds faithfully being ever so gently and Marin dug in her pot threw the soil out over watered it and dropped it multiple times.  Symeon would check his everyday waiting for his little seeds to sprout and they never did while Marin's sprouted and grew multiple times.  So fast forward a bit and the same thing plays out again and Marin's seeds sprout and nothing in Symeon's I say it first and switched the name tags because I did not want Symeon to be discouraged he loves to garden.  Now granted a couple days later "Marin's" seeds sprouted and it was fine.  I still feel a bit bad I did it but if you could have seen the look on his face when his seeds finally grew I am pretty sure I did the right thing. 

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