Monday, February 28, 2011

Imaginations - Coconuts in space

Symeon and Marin's imaginations are exploding right now.  We have so much fun pretending we are going on trips and right now their favorite place is Pa Paw's house in CT so we head their several times a day to visit.  Marin also calls Pa Paw on the "phone" all the time to tell him something that just happened.  Tonight she called him to tell him about a bug she saw in the basement. 

Several days ago we spent the morning in their room because it was a spaceship and we were blasting into outer space and landing in CT.  We talked about stuff out the window in space, we took a nap on the ship, and we ate lunch in space it was grand.  We saw lots of things out the window in space but the best things were the coconuts which is the word of the week for Symeon.  He seems to latch onto a word often an unusual one and use it multiple times in a day sometimes a bit out of context, sometimes as  a filler word, and most of the time accurate although odd.  I find it to be rather funny and I look forward to the new word of the week each time it changes. 

Imagination - please God help  me to nurture it in them it is a gift!

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