Monday, February 28, 2011

Ok they are quiet what is going on????

I know some people who do not check on their kids when they are being quiet but I am not one of those people and with good reason.  Both our children have "gotten into things" or "situations" since they were small and now since they can communicate with one another, boost one another up, and encourage one another to try stuff quiet in our house often means something is brewing.  For example several weeks ago we were eating dinner the kids were done and came to play in the family room and we stayed upstairs finishing our dinner.  After a little while both Shawn and I had to the feeling we had better check and when Shawn came down they had pulled out everyone of our board games emptied them on the floor and were "playing" them.  I was less than thrilled and we spend the next 45 minutes trying to sort out which dice and cards went with what game.  There were pieces and cards everywhere and they were both delighted with themselves.  So fast forward a few weeks and you would think I would have learned my lesson.

I was blow drying my hair, Shawn was in his office right off the kitchen, Michael (our housemate) was in the shower, and Denise (our housemate) was on an errand.  I saw Symeon and Marin go upstairs like they were on a mission and they told me they had to get something.  I figured it was fine since there were 3 adults upstairs.  When I finished about 5 minutes later I went up to find this scene...

Yes together they had moved the stool and Symeon had climbed up on the counter to reach the bag of Hershey kisses and he was unwrapping them as fast as he could giving one to himself and one to Marin.  As you can see they were doing this the entire time I was blow drying my hair and the other adults in the house were going about their routines.  I was glad Symeon was sharing and of course I had to take some pictures and then I scolded.

The thing that has me worried is not what they did but rather that it seemed premeditated since my housemate said she found the stool in that same place the day before.  Hmmm so had their plan be interrupted the day before and they waited until the next day when the time was right and they acted.  It does make me wonder what else they might be planning that I am clueless about.  So as you can see when it is quiet it is best to go and check on these two partners in crime.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

You forgot the best part...what Symeon said to you. :) WAY cute! How could you scold that face??