Monday, October 18, 2010

On the road again...

Well it has been awhile since I have blogged and although I have taken lots of photos over the past several weeks I have very little time to get them on this blog mostly because we are on the move again and that has consumed much of my time and my energy along with a bunch of other "stuff" that is really just too overwhelming to even write about. 

The exciting news is that we are moving back to Denver, CO in November.  We are really excited to be headed back to Denver and moving with our dear friends Micheal and Denise who are now living in CA.  We have been discerning God's leading for over a year and we feel like it is time to make this move and we believe it is the best thing for our family.  God has brought together all the details and the timing is perfect for so many reasons. 

We are mourning leaving the East Coast, well at least one of us is, and so many of our family and friends and we are also looking forward to connecting with old friends and embracing a city that seems to be in our bones.  We are not sure what life will look like in Denver but we will grow into our lives there and we are excited to see where this journey takes us.  When we get settled in we will send out all our information. 

I do hope to be a bit caught up on the blog by the time we move in November but we will see how it goes.  I really hate playing catch up and at some pointy you just have to move forwards we will see when point that is for me. 

The next few weeks are going to be wild but I am looking forward to the adventure and the kids are doing really well with all the transition at least so far.  I am praying that continues especially for our cross country trip we will be making as a family. 

Denver here we come!!


Rae said...

Wow! What a move!! Denver will be so blessed to have you guys! Good luck as you get ready!

Lisa said...

Love all your catch-ups! I know how you feel about it though. At some point you need to say no to the perfectionist voice in your head and just move on. :)