Monday, October 18, 2010

Symeon's big boy bed

Well before anyone gets to excited about this milestone in Symeon's life I should not it lasted all of one week and he is now sleeping every so soundly and snug back in his crib.  It all started with a very excited little guy who was ready for a big boy bed and it all ended with a tired little guy who was coming up with reasons why  he needed to go back in his crib.  He did great for about a week and all of a sudden he realized he could get out of his bed and he did many many times mostly during what should have been nap time but then at night as well.  He loved the game of getting up and down and finally we told him he would have to start sleeping in his crib again if got out of his big boy bed and he was like OK.  I put him back in his crib he snuggled in like finally these two got it and put me back in my bed.  In the midst of all of this I was sitting with him one night and this is how our conversation went...

Symeon:  Mommy when will Babes be in a big girl bed
Me:  Probably when Babes is 2 like you
Symeon:  Mine wait for Babes we be in big beds same time. 

End of conversation and end of big boy bed so we will see what happens when we move and his only option is the big boy bed. 

On a different note another night a similar conversation went like this...

Symeon:  Mommy when will Babes wear big girl undies
Mommy:  Probably when Babes is 2 like you
Symeon:  Mine wait for Babes we wear them same time

End of conversation and the end of potty training for Symeon.  He will have nothing to do with it now and from what I know of him he is pretty true to his word so we will see where this all leads. 


The Hamons said...

While Evan was awesome from day one with his big boy bed, he's been on and off with potty training this entire year. Getting closer and closer lately, so we'll see how it goes. I'm a huge fan of letting them decide - pressuring only adds stress to everyone and is so not worth it when it's smooth sailing when they're ready, ya know?! I love that Symeon calls Marin Babes. Adorable!

Terrell said...

Shelva, Conor took forever to potty train. We probably started in earnest around 3, and a month or so after he turned 4 (and his twin brothers were born) he was finally done. You are doing the right thing by following his lead :)