Saturday, July 17, 2010

What was I thinking?

Well if you did not read my previous post you might need to in order to understand this one.  Yesterday morning I commented on Symeon adventures and injuries and little did I know that I was headed for another one of those times last night. 

So last night it was so hot we decided to go to the YMCA kids pool which is great and the kids love it.  We went early so there was hardly anyone there and then on the way home we were going to get pizza and just have a nice family evening out.  Well when we were done at the pool Symeon was walking to the changing area with his towel draped around him and he slipped falling face first onto tile floor with having his hands to catch himself.  When Shawn picked him up he was bleeding quite a bit from his mouth so for good or bad his teeth broke his fall.  Upon closer inspection we say he chipped his front tooth and his other front tooth is pushed back and both are a swollen bloody mess.  He had a huge fat lip and overall I think he cried for about a minute then he was on to something else. 

So as we proceeded home we called our pediatrician just to make sure and the on call person said we should take him to the ER.  When I got off the phone Shawn and I both disagreed with this doctors so we went with our guts and took him home.  I did call a pediatric dentist just to make sure and Monday morning we are off to see him to make sure everything is ok.  Since the one tooth is askew the real worry is nerve damage which will turn his tooth brown and also his adult tooth which is a bit worrisome.  I must confess a chipped front tooth fits Symeon but a possible brown tooth and chipped tooth might look like we let him chew tobacco at 2 and a half.  So we will see what the dentist says on Monday.  But to top off the whole night we were looking in the mirror at them and I was talking about going to the dentist when he slipped and smacked them into the mirror once again he started to cry and the blood began to flow so I guess if we didn't do him in the first time we were bound to get them the second time.  Regardless to say Shawn and I went to bed feeling terrible and I went online and ordered our little guy a bubble to live in for the rest of his life. Seriously I'm suppose to let this kid out of my sight, ride a bike without 3 wheels, play sports, go to school, drive a car ahhh!!!!

I don't have any good pictures of the teeth but we will see what I can do.


Rae said...

Oh Shelva!! I hope Symeon is doing well today and all goes well tomorrow. Good thing he is so helps to offset the stress! :)

Terrell said...

Oh Shelva!! what a wondrous little guy you have and if he can survive this, his parents will too :) You're doing so beautifully with them.... love you!