Monday, July 27, 2009

Trip to CT

In June Shawn had to go to Chicago for a week so I went to CT with the kids. I was worried about the drive up but they did wonderful. Marin was just about 4 weeks old so we were just beginning to adjust to life with her and Symeon. It was nice to visit with my family and friends but both kids did not sleep well which means neither did I.

Our nights basically went like this I would put Symeon to bed around 8 or 9 and the entire time Marin would scream, then Symeon would cry in his bed, I would get Marin calm her down, put her to bed between 9 and 11 after many tries I finally just put her in my bed with me and she would sleep at the top and I would sleep at the bottom of the bed. Symeon would wake up at 12 and be up until 2 am then as soon as I put him down she would want to nurse. I would nurse her and get her back to bed by 3 sleep for an hour and Symeon would be up at 4 for the day crying for me. My parents would try to entertain him for as long as possible then I would get up by 5 take care of him and nurse her again at 6am. Marin would not really let people hold her for to long without crying and Symeon only wanted me to do things for him. In the midst of all this Symeon was cutting a molar and had an ear infection. This fun went on for the entire week and there were nights when all three of us were crying and my Mom would try to be comforting us.

I am so thankful for my parents, brother and sister-in-law who helped me so much during a difficult week. I am not sure what I would have done without them. When Shawn finally came to pick us up we were all really happy to see him although that might be the understatement of the year!

We did have some fun as well during the days and here a few pictures of our time together. There were so many good pictures I had a hard time choosing.

My Dad talking to Marin after her bath

Austin is 9, Clover is 7, Symeon is 16 months, Marin is 1 month

They are all just so cute together

Marin with Daddy we were all gald to see him

Symeon with a sleepy Daddy. His plane got delayed and he finally was rerouted to Hartford where my Dad picked him up at 12 am and he had no luggage. Symeon was up at 5 am to greet his Dad. Shawn was on a mission trip with his youth group so he slept on the floor of a church for a week so honestly neither of us had much sleep that week.

One of the few ways we could get Marin to sleep and you had to walk the entire time with her. Thank God she is a much better sleeper now a days.

Uncle Mike and Symeon hanging out.

Uncle Mike was great at playing with Symeon during the day especially when I would try to get a quick nap.

Symeon and I with Una Oma, that is what Austin and Clover call my Oma.

Auntie Linda holding Marin and Oma checking out her little feet

Una Oma and Symeon

Uncle Jay and Marin

Symeon loved my Dad's Kubota as long as he didn't start it up.

Austin and Marin. He was so sweet with her and really wanted to hold her.

I think these two pretty ladies are related, Marin looks alot like Clover did as a baby.

PaPaw and Symeon spent lots of time walking around the yard picking up rocks and sticks, looking at flowers and overall exploring which I think they both really enjoyed.

Auntie Judy and Marin

Symeon watching Sesame Street which he would have on at both houses and he would run back and forth to watch. He did this dance with his hands in the air which meant he wanted to watch it and since my family has comcast on demand it was on anytime he wanted. It was hard when we returned home for him to understand that it is only on at certain times.

Symeon discovered his love of sidewalk chalk on this trip and he continues to enjoy it at home. Clover and him would spend quite a bit of time outside drawing all over the drive way. She was such a good playmate for him and he was quite sad when she went to school everyday.

Traci would walk around the yard with Marin which always made her happy. It was a nice break for me.

Mike meeting Marin for the first time.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Great recap of your trip! My blood got hot when I saw Shawn sleeping on the couch. But then I read your reason why and felt better.

Sounds like the whole family pitched in and did their best to keep everybody happy.

So sweet to see yours with the older cousins...reminds me of our family. Very sweet!